Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have made many mistakes in my life. We have all done and said things that we wish we could take back. I don’t know how many times I wanted to go out with a pretty woman based solely on appearances. One thing I have learned is to love everyone. That is no mistake. I just wish I would have learned this sooner. The sooner you learn this, the greater life will be.
I find it easy to love now. The real test that a person has to pass with me is weather I like them or not. For example, you love your family but there may be some family members that you don’t like. Liking someone else and being liked by another is very meaningful. I had it backwards for many years. I used to think before you love somebody you need to like them.
Only recently did I understand how important liking someone is as apposed to loving them. Oddly enough I came to this realization from getting to know my favorite barista. She is pretty and smart, that’s easy to love. From what I know of her so far I like her very much.
I foolishly asked her out shortly after we met and was shot down in flames. It wasn’t that big of a deal because I really hadn’t known her very long anyway. I didn’t know who she was at all. I was just asking her out because I found her to be attractive.
Well, since then I have been blessed with the opportunity to get to know WHO she is. We have had many occasions to converse for a few minutes at a time and sometimes longer. The more I talk to her and learn about her the more I discover what we have in common. I really enjoy talking to her. She is one smart chick.
I always listen intently to what she has to say but I have noticed that it’s easy to become distracted by her beautiful blue eyes. Before I got to know her all I really saw was just another pretty woman. Now what I see is a beautiful sole. In the future I hope to get to know her on many levels emotionally and intellectually (not physically just incase your mind is wondering). I realize this may never happen especially if I try to hard to be her friend.
I just want ya’ll to know this; pay attention to the acquaintances in your life. They have much to teach you if you can see who they are as apposed to what they are or look like. I know this because I have done several programs about the study of human behavior and one very effective method for understanding and retaining the information these programs have taught me is found in The Learning Course.
Geoff / TLC guy
P.S. To the one I’m talking about, you know who you are. Please don’t feel obligated to leave a comment. That’s not why I wrote this. The next time I see you I don’t want you to feel like you must acknowledge me either. It’s okay. I just hope you were able to take the time to read it. (I know you’re super busy) Oh yea, and for everyone else, go to my web site and get my new e-book at www.thelearningcourse.com. It’s well worth your time. Thanks for reading.

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