Monday, December 15, 2008

Who Do You Love?

A few months ago I used TLC (The Learning Course) to study Tony Robbins most recent self-help program named “Get The Edge”.
I recently did step seven again. This turned out to be a real revelation for me. At one point in the program Tony instructs the student to do a “hands on” exercise. He said to make a list of all the people you love. I didn’t actually write down this list but it did inspire much thought. The answer for me was that I really do love everyone. This can be very hard for many people to accept. It took most of my life to learn and accept this as well.
You can’t just walk up to a stranger and tell them you love them but you can feel love and compassion for them. I suppose you could actually walk up to a stranger and say this but you might get punched in the face. That would be bad. LOL
I won’t get religious on ya’ but it has been said throughout history that we all are supposed to love one another. That being said…
I remember how angry 9/11 made me. How could those guys blatantly destroy so many innocent lives (not only the people that actually died but also the loved ones they left behind). My first thought was for all of the children that will never see one or both of their parents ever again. I felt so bad for those children that I had a hard time holding it together and I really needed too because I was working on a large commercial construction site in Seattle that morning.
Do you hate the people responsible for this action? I had a tremendous amount of anger in my heart for this senseless act against freedom and America for a long time. Does feeling anger and hate towards anyone make your life better? If it does please leave me a comment explaining why. Any negative emotion can eat you up inside if you choose to focus on them. Can you imagine what kind of world this would be if no one hated anyone anymore? I focus on how wonderful life is and can be and I’m thankful for all of the people in my life that enhance it, those in my life who don’t aren’t in it for long.
Terrorists are truly lost souls. They will never know how much human potential they poses. They don’t have a clue as to how wonderful life can be. And you know what else, it’s not even their own fault. They are products of generations upon generations of misunderstanding and hate. We are all products of our own environment and the difference between us and them is that we have the freedom to change the things in our environment that we don’t like. All they have ever known and been taught is to hate anyone who doesn’t believe as they do, the Infidels (what a pathetic indoctrination). Also, if they don’t do as they’re told they will be killed by the very mentors that are supposed to love them. How would you like to grow up in that environment, I think I would be a screwed up freak too.

I’m proud to be an American. We all have so many things to be thankful for and sadly how many of us take time each day to be grateful for what we have? I don’t know but for all of the trials and troubles we face in our daily lives, it’s so much better than being raised in a terrorist hell whole. So count your blessing every day and thank a solder for the sacrifices they and their families make. This is not a commentary on this mismanaged war but we are free for a reason and remember FREEDOM ISN’T FREE. It never was and never will be. In fact, it’s kind of an oxymoron.

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