Monday, November 24, 2008

Embrace the information age

Embrace the information age
Change can be the most difficult thing for some people to face. There is only one real reason to make any change. It’s to better our lives. There is another kind of change we must understand and decide to adapt to. The society we live in is constantly going through change, almost daily.
One of the biggest changes that happened over twelve years ago is the new age we live in. It’s going to take some time to adapt to these changes. All of the advancements humans made in the Industrial Age are amazing beyond measure. It was an age unmatched by any other in history. Most people don’t consciously realize this age is now over.
Many of us grow up with the message get good grades, go to college, find a good job with a solid company, pay off your mortgage, and retire with the gold watch. This idea is obsolete. Even if you have been with a solid company for many years you aren’t safe. An old friend of mine used to have a six figure income with a solid company. This company was sold and the department my friend headed up was absorbed by another department in the new company. A twelve year solid career with a good company up in smoke and it’s nobody’s fault, it’s just a business decision.
By far the biggest change you may not be aware of is what is happening to American auto makers. I had a big problem with the financial bailout for banks on many levels but I also knew it was necessary. I am apposed to the bail out of the car companies. The deals of the past the unions and the auto companies have signed have to be renegotiated, if they don’t these big companies will fail. It’s just a matter of time. The only way this will happen is to let these companies go into bankruptcy protection so they can restructure and reorganize. If this doesn’t happen then the party really is over. Everyone will be without a job.
Originally pensions sounded like a wonderful reward for being dedicated to a company for many years and maybe even your entire career. One fact that has been true throughout history is that in order to earn anything you need to work for it. How long can big corporations continue to pay retired employees a monthly wage without asking for anything in return? I don’t know. I also think corporate executive bonuses are disgusting and out of control. I realize these two items are only part of the reason for the auto makers troubles but they are big problems that need to be solved. Retirees have a reasonable expectation to continue to draw from what they have been promised. In the information age this kind of corporate compensation will become non-existent. So what can you do now? One solution is to learn how to invest and manage your hard earned money now or how to manage money better. There are many books and different strategies on how to best manage money. No matter what books, programs, or seminars you attend on the subject of money management my e-book is a simple guide to accelerate learning. It discusses our three core learning styles and how they can be used together in different combinations for fastest memory retention, this concept is very simple and easily personalized. Download your copy today at

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